Cloud-U Telecoms

From 01/01/2023 Cloud-U has initiated the 7-hour work policy for all of our employees, who work seven hours - five day a week but at the same time they retain all the privileges of the 8-hour work without any exception.
From 01/01/2023 Cloud-U has initiated the 7-hour work policy for all of our employees, who work seven hours - five day a week but at the same time they retain all the privileges of the 8-hour work without any exception.
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The Managed Print Services solution we offer will help you dramatically reduce the cost of your printing, increase productivity, enhance document security, and improve their sustainability so you can focus on your core tasks worry-free!!

Our solution guarantees that it can result in a reduction in your business's printing expenses, ranging from 10% to 30%.

The range of services placed under the MPS umbrella is expanding, including features and benefits beyond traditional printing and related hardware.

With the Managed Print Services we provide, the user receives a monthly invoice and pays for what they print, with full coverage aimed at improving efficiency.

Our company has a specialized department for designing and implementing solutions, with the necessary technical certifications, to deliver a comprehensive solution, whether for a small business with 2 or 3 printers or a large organization with multiple buildings and workstations.

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