Cloud-U Telecoms

Cloud U recently announced its partnership with Ridge Global, one of the world's leading cybersecurity companies. This partnership will enable Cloud U to offer its customers Ridge Global's cybersecurity services, which are recognized for their reliability and effectiveness internationally, while this partnership enables the use of SOC services by any company regardless of it's size.

Ridge Global provides cybersecurity and risk management services. According to Ridge Global's website, the company offers cybersecurity services that help its clients reduce security risks and address the threat of cyberattacks. Cloud U from December 2023 offers Ridge Global's cyber security services to Cloud U's customers. Ridge Global's SOC (Security Operations Center) service is provided in the form of a managed SOC.
This means that Cloud U through this important partnership with Ridge Global provides a team of cyber security experts who monitor its customers' systems, networks and data to detect and address security threats. According to Ridge Global's website, Ridge Global's SOC service is provided in the form of a managed SOC and is billed per user, so that even very small companies can access the valuable SOC services that have been the most needed service in recent years with cybersecurity.

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